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Будченко Галина Геннадьевна Английский язык 10 класс

10 класс

Конспект урока


Учебник Английский язык 10-11 класс автор В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа, Э.Ш.Перегудова


Тема: Молодежь в современном обществе.


Цели: Совершенствование лексических навыков чтения по теме «Молодежные органи­зации Великобритании».­

Задачи: Тренировка произносительных навыков при чтении слов в транскрипции. Разви­тие умений и навыков чтения с целью детального по­нимания содержания.

Развитие навыков говорения и письма.

Ход урока

I. Приветствие.


П. Фонетическая зарядка.

Ex. 2, p. 72 (Student's book). Pupils read the following words:

to express one's identity wizards (волшебник, мастер)

to wear metal chains warehouses (склад)

to rebel (бунтовать)against to try out all

aggressive sorts of options

to reject rebellious

a liberal attitude leather jackets

to conform to society's standards army boots

to ride 2 wheeled motorised vehicles

Pupils read the words and expressions after the teacher and then translate them.


III. Речевая зарядка.

Teacher. Young people have a particular relationship with the whole world. They want to express their individuality.

Please, answer the following questions:

1) How do teens express their individuality?

2) Do they express themselves in music?

3) Do they express themselves in hobbies?

4) Do they express themselves in sport?

5) Do they express themselves in clothes?


IV. Lexical activities. I. Ex. 1,p. 53 (AB).

Translate the key words from Ex. 2, p. 72-73 (Student's book).

1) distinct -

2) to express one's identity -

3) to rebel against -

4) to reject -

5) rebellious -

6) not to conform to society's standards-

7) to support a liberal attitude and lifestyle –

8) to try out all sorts of options -

9) violent-

10) to identify oneself with a particular (special) subculture -


1) (отличительный);

2) (выражать свою индивидуальность);

3) (протестовать против);

4) (отвергать);

5) (бунтарский);

6) (не придерживаться);

7) (поддерживать либеральные отношения и стиль жизни);

8) (попробовать все);

9) (насильственный);

10) (относить себя к конкретной субкультуре).


V. Reading (for detail).

  1. 1. Ex. 2(1), p. 72 (Student's book).

1. Pre-reading.

Teacher. Most young people follow some kind of youth culture. By the mid-1960-s, some teenagers in Great Britain had begun to fomi distinct cultural groupings.

So, you should read the descriptions of different groups and mem­bers of the groups and find the names of these sub­cultures in the box.

Hippies Punks Bikers Ravers Hackers

2. Reading (for detail).

Pupils read the text very attentively and use their dictionaries to find new words.

3. Post-reading activities.

After reading the descriptions of different groups and members of the groups, pupils find the names of these subcul­tures.


P1: To my mind, Punks are young people who dress in a shocking way. They have brightly coloured hair and wear metal chains.

P2: In my opinion, Hackers are the "wizards" of the computer com­munity. They are people with a deep understanding of how their com­puters work.

P3: As for me, Bikers are all persons who ride 2 or sometimes 3 wheeled motorised vehicles. They usually wear leather jackets and army boots, etc.


К e у: A (Punks); В (Hippies); С (Hackers); D (Ravers); E (Bikers).


Т е х t 2. Ex. 2(2), p. 72 (Student's book)

1. Pre-reading.

Teacher. Young people in Great Britain have an opportunity to join different organizations and youth movements.

So, you should read the descriptions of members of different or­ganizations and match them with their names.




Young farmers









2. Reading for detail.

Pupils read the text and match the descriptions of different organiza­tions with their names.


3. Post-reading activity.

Pupils explain their choice.


P1: In my opinion, Young Fanners are people who in their club get practical experience in agriculture, home crafts and country life gener­ally.

P2: I think, Volunteers do voluntary work in the community, help needy people, they may join an organization like the ""Samaritans".

P3: Scouts are members of one of the leading youth organizations in Britain, they are trained to use their initiative, learn to use practical skills.

VI. Подведение итогов урока.


VII. Homework: ex. 6, p. 75 (Student's book); ex. 1, p. 28 (Reader); ex. 4, p. 32 (Reader).

Ex.2, 3,p. 54 (AB).

Teacher. Ask questions about each of the subgroups and write them.

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